Air Conditioning Articles

Summer Cooling Tips for Your Richmond Home

July 15, 2024
Summer Cooling Tips for Your Richmond Home. Family in front of fans.

It’s summertime in Virginia. The team at Delta Temp hopes you find time to relax with friends and family and enjoy the beautiful sunny days.

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5 Common AC Problems

June 15, 2024
5 Common AC Problems. Running air conditioning unit.

When you change out a dirty filter for a clean one, your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment use up to 15 percent less energy monthly, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Plus, it’s able to properly catch dust and debris, boosting your indoor air quality (IAQ).

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3 Signs It’s Time for a New AC

April 15, 2024
3 Signs It’s Time for a New AC. Man in his living room sitting on a deckchair with his feet in a mini pool reading a book.

Should you repair or replace? That’s always the big question when it comes to major home systems like air conditioning (AC).

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SEER––What Does It Mean?

August 15, 2023
SEER––What Does It Mean? Circle knob with

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This universal rating system helps you determine the efficiency of your Virginia air conditioning (AC) unit or heat pump. 

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Hot Air?

September 14, 2022
A pair of adult male hands feeling the flow of air coming out of an air vent on a wall near a ceiling. Man with hands in front of an air vent feeling for air flow.

Many reasons can cause an air conditioner to malfunction, resulting in warm or hot air blowing through your vents.

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Conventional HVAC or a Heat Pump: Which Is Better?

July 13, 2022
Cozy cabin with fire pit in the mountains

Our team at DeltaTemp is well-versed in the difference as well as the benefits of air conditioners, heat pumps, or gas furnaces.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Making Noise?

June 14, 2022
Blog Title: Why Is My Air Conditioner Making Noise? Photo: Mature man, with pillow covering entire face, cannot sleep at night

To avoid any of these potential issues, we at DeltaTemp recommend getting a maintenance inspection at least once a year to determine the health of your air conditioner, regardless of its age or noise level.

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Why Do I Need AC Maintenance Now?

May 12, 2022
Blog Title: Why Do I Need AC Maintenance Now? Photo: Maintenance Technician fixing an AC unit

At DeltaTemp, we recommend getting your air conditioning unit serviced and cleaned at least once a year. The optimum time is in the spring to ensure your system will run with the most efficiency during the hottest summer months.

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How to Properly Size an AC System

September 15, 2021
air conditioner fan

In the heat of the summer, it’s easy to assume that bigger is better when it comes to air conditioning (AC) systems.

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Common AC Purchasing Mistakes to Avoid

August 4, 2021
AC unit in shopping cart

When it’s time to invest in a major home appliance like an air conditioner (AC), you want to be well informed. The good news is technology has made it easy to gather a great deal of information in a short period of time. The bad news is there are so many makes and models of air conditioners available, the entire process can get quickly overwhelming.

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Heat Gain Prevention Tips

July 15, 2021
construction workers in home

When you are in the middle of summer, it can be difficult to keep heat out of your Richmond home even if you have your central air conditioning system going full blast. Our team at DeltaTemp wants to help you prevent heat from building up inside your home as much as possible so that your air conditioner can be more effective and efficient. Here are some tips to consider.

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